Tuesday 23 February 2016

Friday - Hiking through hell (with other good bits ;)

The hike! - this post is just in note form. It’s all I did at the time and 3 years later it is all I will get to keep now but it does bring back memories all the same. Anyway to my brief notes from that day: 

Rain in night Packing up, cold shower and breakfast after bad dream ... Bit of a cry in shower and want to leave... Worries that people don't like me - snooty breakfast people not giving us food - clothes from white water rafting not drying - mud - spider web in face - shoes filled with mud 3.5hrs of up and down and through deep mud with spider webs and mozzies and sun and yuck! Slipping and the smell of monkey shit. 

Bought new sunglasses when I couldn't find mine and more mozzie spray and thought I'd lost wallet. Man serving had lost his arm. 

Good things: magnetic sand and Mary saying "I'm trying to think positive thoughts to take my mind off the fact that I'm so miserable"

Got back from hike and then ate  the most delicious tasting meal ever and went into the sea to wash off and chill.

The we checked into our rooms and had a shower and chilled out playing games, 

Inc rhino hero! :) 

Then I went to bed and talked to Lauren about her life and esp etc. 

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